All of this Joe the plumber talk is getting exasperating. It is like when the dentist hits a nerve with his drill over and over and over again. The only reason it is a painful experience and not just a monotonously boring one, is because these "Joe the plumber" claims simply aren't true. Hearing a lie repeated is like nails on a chalkboard to me. Here are the facts:
Sure Barack Obama is going to raise taxes on those who make over $250k a year. What you don't hear is that he is only going to raise taxes on those people by 1.1%.
Where do these small business owners get their money? More importantly, from whom do they get it? The middle class, that's whom. To illustrate my point, let's try a thought experiment. Think of a middle class family that needs to add a bathroom. Will they do it this year? No, because the economy is in the toilet. We need to get the economy out of the toilet before we start adding new toilets. This family is only going to call a plumber if it is absolutely necessary.
How do we get the economy out of the toilet? Who do we turn to? It's simple, we turn to the people who all business turn to in times of need: Men and Women 18-35 years of age. The most coveted demographic in advertising because these are the people that spend money. Does "Men and Women 18-35" sound upper class to you? No, these people are the middle class.
If we invigorate the middle class, small and large business owners make more. So, let us break out a little math. If someone is making 250k, Barack will raise taxes on them by $2750 a year. But if the middle class has money to invest in new bathrooms (plumbers), new homes (realtors) or new cars (auto dealerships) then these small business will make more money. If their income goes up more than about 3k in that year, Barack's tax plan has successfully given these small businesses MORE money.
Let's also remember that small business profits are only taxed AFTER all the expenses are paid out, including the owner's salary.
Finally, here is a little quote from John McCainon the matter:
Audience member: "Why is it that someone like my father who goes to school for 13 years gets penalized in a huge tax bracket because he's a doctor."
McCain: "I think it's to some degree because we feel obviously that wealthy people can afford more."
Audience member: "Are we getting closer and closer to, like, socialism?"
McCain: "Here's what I really believe: That when you reach a certain level of comfort, there's nothing wrong with paying somewhat more."
This is a man who is desperately searching for some attack to get himself elected, and doesn't even resemble his former, more moderate self.
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