I wrote one of those russian girls that spam on myspace and only sent one sentence. "Can I see your pic?" This is what I got back:
Hi my beautiful friend
I am sincerely glad, to that you have answered me again. Your letters give me a charge of energy for all day! I read them with the great pleasure. In the letters you may ask me about everything, that interests you about me. But if I on them do not answer you, do not take offence, I simply can not understand it , set to me it slightly on another and I it is indispensable on him shall answer you. It is my first experience of acquaintance through the Internet, but this way has very much liked me as I was answered at once with the person who has liked me. I write the letters from the Internet of cafe so be not upset if I shall not answer you the letter at once, simply the Internet of cafe may be closed.
Today I went to church, today for me little bit sad date, this day my parents were lost. I orthodox christian, at us very beautiful churches, at that moment when I am in church I feel quietly, me already cease, that or to disturb.
It is very interesting to me what weather at you today, I
think, that at you should be warm. Spring my liked season, I
likes to look, how the nature comes to life after winter. As
the first kidneys on trees are dismissed. Birds who an autumn
departed on the south arrive , but they again will return.
The first grows a grass, many children leave on street and
are pleased to this season. Children it future our planet and
on them all our hope, does a pleasure me the big pleasure to
observe of them. My parents educated me good formation as
you know I has finished the Kazan state university on a speciality the ecologist. But nevertheless I do not work on this speciality. Sometimes at me in life there come such times, that I seem to me, that already for whom it is not necessary, that I shall stay one, but nevertheless I calm myself and I believe that the main love in my life still will come, the god will help me with it. Tell to me more about itself, you like to listen to what your liked dish, what your liked film, what else music. My liked dish it pelmeni, this very tasty dish from Russian kitchen which consists of forcemeat of a beef and pork with an onions and spices wrapped up in a dough and are cooked. This really excellent dish. There may be sometime I of you him shall feed. My liked films it Gladiator and Angel city, is film about the big love when it was finished I very strongly cried if you of it did not look, look necessarily, it is pleasant to you. As to music, she is pleasant to me different on mood, I as like Russian classics Tchaykovskiy, Rohmaninov, Rimskiy-Korsakov as it is pleasant to me Madonna, Enya, Kylie Minogue.
I think, that after that you will know letters more about me.
I very much like your letters. On it I shall finish the
letter. Your friend Elena
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